Professional Transport & Traffic Planning Consultants
As specialist traffic and transport planning consultants, you can use our expertise for your applications and development projects in London, South East England and the UK.
Public Sector
Some of our clients
Results-driven transport and traffic planning
At Transport-Traffic, we provide expert, approachable, and proactive transport planning services tailored to projects of all sizes. Whether you need a Transport Statement for a small-scale development or a detailed Transport Assessment for a major project, our experienced consultants are here to support you.
With extensive experience in both the public and private sectors, we understand the complexities of the planning process and work closely with clients to develop effective, data-driven transport solutions. Our goal is to help you navigate planning requirements smoothly, ensuring your development has the best possible chance of approval.
Our Services Include:
✔️ Transport Assessments & Statements – Comprehensive analysis to support planning applications
✔️ Traffic Impact Assessments – Evaluating the effects of new developments on transport networks
✔️ Travel Plans & Coordination – Promoting sustainable transport solutions
✔️ Highway Condition Surveys – Assessing infrastructure for maintenance and compliance
✔️ Vehicular Access Design & Swept Path Analysis – Ensuring safe and efficient site access
✔️ Environmental Impact Assessments (Transport Input) – Supporting sustainable development
✔️ Construction Logistics & Traffic Management Plans – Minimising disruption and optimising site access
With a results-driven approach and a deep understanding of local and national transport policies, we work closely with developers, businesses, and local authorities to deliver successful outcomes.
Get in touch today to discuss how we can support your project
Expert Traffic and Transport Planning Consultancy
As specialised consultants in traffic and transport planning, we offer our extensive expertise to support your applications and development projects across London, South East England, and the wider UK.
Our Core Services
We provide a comprehensive range of services, including:
Parking Surveys
Green Travel Plans
Transport Assessments
Our expertise caters to both public sector authorities and private sector developments in various sectors, including commercial, leisure, religious, healthcare, retail, and residential projects.
Proven Track Record
We have successfully navigated numerous challenges to deliver cost-effective solutions that lead to favorable outcomes for our clients’ planning applications, appeals, and inquiries.
We invite you to reach out to discuss how we can assist with your project.
Transport Assessment
All private and public developments that generate significant movements of people and goods require a transport assessment as part of the planning application. Read more…
Green Travel Plans
Our consultants will work with you to provide tailored plans that encourage eco-friendly transportation choices for employees, clients, visitors, patients, students, nursery children, shoppers and residents. Read more…
Parking Surveys
Here at Transport and Traffic Consultancy, we appreciate the critical role that parking often plays in the overall success of a development application. Read more…
Why choose us as your Transport Planning Consultants?
Our primary mission, as your traffic and transport planning consultants, is to be your problem-solving partner. Contact us to request a free initial consultation.
Our reputation is built on an enviable track record over the last 30 years in London, South East England and across the UK, for:
assisting clients in securing planning permissions
saving clients significant costs on highway improvement requirements
picking up the pieces after an application has failed, to provide recommendations and turn things around for a positive result.
If necessary, providing Expert Witness service in support of appeals against planning refusals.
You can benefit from our wealth of knowledge, innovative thinking, expert witness insights and unwavering tenacity, to swiftly move your project forward.
Explore our professional guidance