Enhance your projects with our consultation services

Whether you are looking for a transport assessment, green travel plan or parking survey, our specialist transport planning consultants, working in Essex, London and across the UK, can help.

We’ll audit, assess and analyse, untangle complexities and design the most cost-effective plans and solutions for your needs. 

If you’ve had a planning application refused, we’re happy to review your situation. We have high success rates in turning around a transport assessment to gain a positive planning outcome.

The work of our experienced consultants is a specialist civil engineering service. We carry out detailed studies and modelling to recommend the most efficient, safe and sustainable movement of people and goods.

Do contact us to request a free initial consultation about a transport assessment or any of our services.

Transport assessment planning consultants

Transport Assessment

All private and public developments that generate significant movements of people and goods, require a transport assessment as part of the planning application. Read more…

Green Travel Planning Consultancy

Green Travel Plans

Our consultants will work with you to provide tailored plans that encourage eco-friendly transportation choices for employees, clients, visitors, patients, students, nursery children, shoppers and residents. Read more…

Parking Surveys and Planning Services

Parking Surveys

Here at Transport and Traffic Consultancy, we appreciate the critical role that parking often plays in the overall success of a development application. Read more

London Bus passing Big Ben in London

Expert Traffic Services

Top Tier Consultantcy for Transport and Traffic Planning

Top-Tier Consultancy

Transport Planning and Traffic Consultants

Transportation Strategies

Get in touch to discuss our consultation services